Are you struggling with these challenges?

  • Worrying about short and long term results.
  • Lack of alignment and direction.
  • Employees that are not truly motivated?
  • Losing the right people and customers.
  • Stress and high costs of sick-leave.
  • Disconnect of employees needs.
  • Understanding what’s below the surface.

You don’t have to do this alone.

tired man, frustration, limited potential

Ewa Hutmacher, CEO, certified consultant culture design

Culture is not a one-time fix. It’s a continuous journey.

Ewa, a workplace culture consultant, is on a mission to help people connect to what really matters in their work-life. She has worked with global brands in various industries and sectors, including healthcare, management consulting, asset management, education, edtech, retail food, insurance, and technology. She is Partner Nordics at Fearless Culture.

Culture Design Canvas

The Culture Design Canvas is a culture mapping tool to assess your current company culture, define your future state, and evolve workplace culture. This design tool created by Gustavo Razzetti and our methodology will help you understand, create momentum and grow your workplace and team culture. Ewa Hutmacher from Snabbfoting is a certified consultant in culture design.

The Culture Design Canvas was created by Gustavo Razzetti (Copyright © 2019- 2024 by Gustavo Razzetti and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Artwork by Moira Dillon.

“Vi har fått verktyg att förstå vår kultur och hur den yttrar sig i olika beteenden”

Ewa har på ett strukturerat, konkret och framåtriktat sätt bidragit till att både kartlägga och utveckla vår grupps kultur.

Carl Larsson

Chef, bank och finans

A selection of facilitations

Purpose & values workshop

Design a powerful purpose. How can you make sure that your purpose enables your priorities and behaviours? How can you connect meaningful values to positive behaviours? What is your current culture and ideal one?

Behaviors & priorities workshop

What do you punish and reward? How can you turn your values into fruitful outcome? In a world of uncertainty and rapid change, what priorities accelerate growth next month, quarter and year?

Psychological Safety workshop

Build belonging and trust. Create a safe place to encourage bold conversations. Learn from failures and curiosity.

Feedback workshop

Create a learning culture where feedback helps you grow. Transform how you think of it.

Rituals workshop

Empower your organization with team rituals that foster an identity and make your culture to happen.

We bring you the best possible solutions for your business.

Get a free personal consultation. Build better alignment, belonging and collaboration.

We connect people to what really matters in their work-life.

Shaping your future, elevating your culture to a success. We help teams and executives create momentum to outperform the status quo.

Uncover what’s below the surface and empower your team to thrive.

A selection of companies that trust us.