Episode 22 Pascal Rosenberger: Navigating the startup life – traction, endurance, and passion

This is an interview about entrepreneurship, endurance and traction with Pascal Rosenberger, co-founder and CEO of the swiss startup Eggheads.

We discuss navigating startup life, learning by doing, and what successful entrepreneurship is.

Pascal is an experienced digital marketer and communicator enabling businesses to unlock the power and simplicity of chat conversations to inform, train, and engage their employees.

Edtech Tuesdays® is an interview podcast about innovation, learning culture, and technologies for learning. We talk to innovators, investors, thinkers, and doers changing the status quo.

About Snabbfoting

We connect people to what really matters in their work-life using workplace culture design, continuous learning and technology as enabler. Snabbfoting equips decision-makers and leaders to make better decisions, build value, and accelerate learning. The Edtech Tuesdays® podcast is produced by Snabbfoting.

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