PRESS RELEASE, 2022-02-14, Stockholm

Snabbfoting partners with Rapid Learning to launch science-based learning for the Nordics

Snabbfoting Group AB, a Nordic edtech consulting company and leader in continuous learning, partners with Rapid Learning – a BTS company. The partnership, effective on February 14, 2022, strengthens our current learning journeys and employee experiences.

Rapid Learning is a pioneer in Sales and Leadership micro-training. They use a research-based approach backed by academic and institutional studies with short micro modules.

After two hectic years of increasing digitalization, early adopters in Sweden are requesting learning solutions and processes with improved quality and performance.

Ewa Hutmacher, CEO and co-founder, Snabbfoting: “The speedy digitization in Sweden and the Nordic countries is showing signs of an increased cognitive load, learning fatigue and zoom fatigue. It’s more important than ever with healthy and engaged employees who perform at work. I see a paradigm shift in the digital learning solutions in the next coming years, with customer-centric learning initiatives.

Ewa continues: The pillar of Rapid Learning’s off-the-shelf content is the short micro modules. A single micro-training learning concept that changes one behavior at a time, achieving one desired outcome.

Stephen Meyer, Founder & Managing Director, Rapid Learning: “We want solutions in the moment of need. And we want learning embedded in the work. That’s exactly what Rapid Learning micro-training provides. Nobody in the world uses research the way we do in the field of sales and leadership micro-training.”

For more information, please contact:


Ewa Hutmacher, CEO

Phone: +46 8 515 107 20

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: @snabbfoting

About Snabbfoting

Snabbfoting is a Nordic edtech consultancy business, digitizing your learning and filling your knowledge gaps. We offer strategy on platform-as-a-service products, and implement bite-sized and reinforcement learning. We work with industry-leading partners. We are curious, agile and well positioned to advise, design and deliver digital learning solutions across all industries.

About Rapid learning – a BTS company

Rapid Learning, acquired by BTS in January 2020, is a pioneer in the field of corporate micro-training. It is best known for its research-based approach to content. All of RL’s single-concept, 5- to 7-minute videos are based on academic and institutional research on the science of influence and persuasion. Since its acquisition by BTS, Rapid Learning has broadened its offerings to include blended learning solutions that combine micro-content with professional coaching and facilitated training. Read more at

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